National Drama Stands With Ukraine - NATIONAL DRAMA

National Drama Stands With Ukraine

National Drama, the UK’s leading subject association for Drama, extends its support and solidarity to all of our colleagues in Ukraine: drama and theatre teachers, university researchers and performers in all fields of drama and theatre education.

National Drama, the UK’s leading subject association for Drama, extends its support and solidarity to all of our colleagues in Ukraine: drama and theatre teachers, university researchers and performers in all fields of drama and theatre education.  National Drama strongly condemns the actions of the government of the Russian Federation in making an unprovoked attack upon the people of Ukraine.

We deplore the attempt to deny self-determination to the people of Ukraine and also the suppression of voices within Russia opposing this brutal invasion. We call upon the government of the Russian Federation to withdraw its troops immediately.

National Drama

National Drama, the UK’s leading professional association for drama teachers and theatre educators, is dedicated to ensuring that all children and young people have the opportunity to learn about and through drama.

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