
This is a space for you to find out about relevant teaching and learning and drama education research.  We will keep this page updated regularly.

Drama research papers and reports:

Early Years and the Arts – CLA Briefing October 2022: This briefing paper summarises the research supporting the view that an arts-rich start in life is beneficial to development in the early years.

Drama research journals

Drama Research – National Drama’s own peer-reviewed research journal is published online annually and contains international research into drama education.

Cultural Learning Alliance – The CLA provide statistics on arts in schools and evidence for arts education.

RiDE – Research in Drama Education is an international journal of applied Drama.

Youth Theatre Journal – The official publication of the American Alliance for Drama Education.

Children Engaging with Drama – An evaluation of the National Theatre’s drama work in primary schools from 2003-4.

NJ: Drama Australia – Established in 1976, NJ Drama Australia Journal provides high quality research articles supporting teachers, artists and researchers in the intersecting fields of drama, education, theatre and applied theatre

Applied Theatre Research – a worldwide journal for theatre and drama in a range of social contexts.

National Drama Research Projects

COVID Impact Study – In July 2021 National Drama conducted research into the impact of COVID-19 on secondary Drama education, and the full report can be read here.

Teaching and Learning research

EEF Toolkit – The Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit provides a meta-analysis of successful strategies for teaching and learning.  Arts Participation is reported to have a positive impact on learning of 3 months – a moderate impact for very low cost, based on moderate evidence. 

Hattie’s Visible Learning – John Hattie provides a meta-analysis of what works best in education.  Creative programmes appears in the Hattie Ranking with a positive effect size of 0.62

Impact Journal – Peer-reviewed journal from the Chartered College of Teaching features research and writing on education and learning.  Issue 7 of the journal was themed on arts and creativity.

Do you have a piece of research you could share with National Drama? Find out how to contribute.

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