In July 2021, National Drama conducted an online study for secondary Drama teachers to ascertain the impact the pandemic has had on secondary Drama teaching. We thank all teachers who took the time to complete the study and give us this valuable insight into the impact of the pandemic. The full PDF report can be downloaded here.
The study found that 84% of respondents felt that the pandemic has had a “significant impact” on Drama education overall. Teachers reported a lack of confidence, increased anxiety, a lack of skill development and a reticence to perform in Drama students, and a drop in students taking the subject further to GCSE or A Level since the pandemic. Here’s some key findings:

National Drama Chair, Dr Geoff Readman, commented on the report, saying ““National Drama is very concerned that children and young peoples’ wellbeing continues to be ignored. The impact of covid 19 on Drama teaching and Drama learning has been considerable, as the evidence in this report demonstrates. Drama is a social art form that involves negotiation, creativity, decision-making and collaboration, as well as performance. It has an essential contribution to make in any national policy for ‘recovery’. ND will do its utmost to continue to support Drama teachers, children and young people in dealing with the impact of the pandemic, but we call upon the Government to recognise that Drama should be a foundation subject with the same status as other arts. Drama is a curriculum entitlement and rarely has it been more needed.”
We will follow the publication of this report with CPD events speaking to the issues raised, to support teachers with their educational recovery.