CPD trainings, discussions and events - NATIONAL DRAMA

CPD trainings, discussions and events

The team is now busy creating a schedule of CPD trainings, discussions and events, and wants to hear from you. Tell us what you would like.

The team is now busy creating a schedule of CPD trainings, discussions and events, and wants to hear from you.

Tell us what you would like. Perhaps it’s something subject specific, or maybe you just want a chat with other members to talk through how this term has been. Is there a practitioner you would like to hear from? Do you want a sounding board for a scheme of work, or a chance to discuss health and safety challenges and solutions?  We will do our utmost to meet your needs. 

Equally, you may have something you want to share with the membership.

National Drama has a Zoom account so can accommodate sessions of various lengths, with a variety of options (live / pre-recorded / Q&A style etc).

We are all in this together. Do get in touch by clicking on the options below:

a) The courses/ sessions I would like are…

b) I can offer a session in….

Take care everyone and stay safe.

Aine Lark FRSA
Chair of National Drama

National Drama

National Drama, the UK’s leading professional association for drama teachers and theatre educators, is dedicated to ensuring that all children and young people have the opportunity to learn about and through drama.

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