Submitting a Proposal - NATIONAL DRAMA

Submitting a Proposal

The Submission Process

Drama Research is interested in original articles that focus on drama education, theatre in education, children’s theatre, teacher education in drama and other related fields. It is expected that articles published in the journal will have a research or scholarly focus and will be written in standard English with full regard for the conventions of academic writing such as accurate referencing. This does not preclude multimedia, submissions, which will be very welcome. They should not have been published elsewhere.

The General Author Guidelines gives more details of appropriate layout and stylistic features, whilst this page focuses on the submission process.

There are two alternative submission methods:

1. A completed article, usually between 4-6,000 words, or word-equivalent, may be submitted, with due regard for instructions on the General Author Guidelines pages.
2. A 500-word proposal may be submitted for consideration, to include an abstract, an indication of the scholarship/research focus and an indication of any examples that will be included in the argument.

If you are submitting in web format, please include a structural outline as well as information about the length/extent of your proposal, and the type of data and information you are including (text, images, data, VR, audio, GIS, video). We also need to know when you propose to submit your completed draft.

Receipt of every proposal is acknowledged by email by the Editorial Board. Unless there are unusual circumstances, it may take a few weeks before you hear whether your proposal has been accepted in principle or not, but please contact us if you do not receive an acknowledgment within 6 weeks.

Drama Research is published annually.  The deadline for the receipt of finished articles from authors is 31st October for the issue published in the following April.

If you are about to embark on a larger action research project and wish the results to be considered for publication in Drama Research you may wish to contact us during the planning stage for advice on how best to prepare your article.

We look forward to receiving your article or proposal. These should be submitted to the Editorial Board at

Drama – the magazine of professional practice

Drama is published twice-yearly and the deadline for the receipt of finished articles for the January issue is 31st October. The submission deadline for the July issue is 30th April.

National Drama

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