
Sensory Dramas

These sessions are written for colleagues working in settings for children and young people with complex needs, They can be adapted for any specialist setting.

Oak National Academy

Oak National Academy is the national teaching resource and online classroom set up in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


In this YouTube video, Christopher Holman, ND’s Secondary Officer sits down with Paul Sutton from C&T to talk the challenges of teaching Drama in schools remotely. He discusses their flagship product, Prospero, updates, and how it is currently being used throughout the UK to support pupils and teachers.

Resources from Transforming the Canon in School Drama CPD

This fantastic event held in January gave participants a wealth of information about how they can make their Drama curriculum more representative, inclusive and relevant. If you missed it, or want a reminder, here are some of the resources shared at the event.

Dramatic Elements scheme of learning

This scheme of learning by Ryan Coates is inspired by Haseman and O’Toole (1987)
Students will learn about the fundamental dramatic elements required for any performance.

Rediscovering Alice workshop

Playscript by David Lawson Lean. Trialled in school since lockdown, it is possible to work with this creatively and safely. Lesson ideas provided also

CfSA Online Document

This FREE, quick reference, digital directory covers subjects taught in schools.

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