Drama Research - NATIONAL DRAMA

Drama Research

Volume 3 Editorial Board

Pamela Bowell
Amanda Kipling
Chris Lawrence
Marie-Jeanne McNaughton
Ruth Sayers

Volume 3 Notes on Authors

Peter Bannister is Head of Drama at Backwell School, a large secondary comprehensive outside Bristol.

Volume 3 Editorial

In our last issue of Drama Research we celebrated the forthcoming award of an MBE to Dorothy Heathcote by dedicating the issue to that legendary drama practitioner. In the space of a year the context in which we find ourselves in this issue is much changed: Dorothy Heathcote did, indeed, receive her MBE award but passed away on 8th October 2011; and so in this issue we are in a position of bearing witness to her remarkable life. To do so we have created a new category for articles published here: that of Testimony.

How to make them fly? – Development frameworks for drama

This article will describe the role that human development plays in drama activities. It is based on studies that were carried out in several Polish cities as part of a PhD thesis held at Warsaw University (Witerska 2010).

Applied Theatre: International Case Studies and Challenges for Practice

This book advances the current debate between Applied Drama and Applied Theatre and is likely to become an important contribution. As reviewer Brian Heap observes:’One great advantage to a book like this, of course, is that it provides ready access to a range of key articles from what might otherwise be, for the individual student or researcher at least, prohibitively expensive journals. In addition, the fact that they are thematically arranged helps the reader to focus on his/her immediate interest.
By Monica Prendergast and Juliana Saxton (editors)

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